(Click on image above for Maurice's web site)

Hitchhiker of Maurice Greenia, Jr.

The real deal

The hitch hiker
Maugre's (Maurice Greenia, Jr.) fertile imaginings produce
 paintings, puppet shows, surrealistic comic strips,
 poems in which strange, but familiar
 personages of another a parallel universe to
communicate  with us.
Maugre has long been part of an energetic
and influential group of artists associated
with the Zeitgeist Gallery in Detroit. He has
shown extensively in Europe and was a longtime
 friend of Jacques Karamanoukian.

Maugre is a performer and composer in the Space Band,
an ensemble often found enlivening
 street fairs, openings and other art parties
in the Detroit area.  Shown here with
one of his Kazoos made by Jim Pallas.

One of many drawings that adorn the poems and writings of the Surreal Theatre publications that Maugre has been creating and distributing free throughout the Detroit cultural community for many years.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Greenia, Sr. are glad to see their son during a visit to their Grosse Pointe Park home in the
 summer of 2004 but know he will be back on the road eventually.
 (Yes, He is a big boy.)

After a long winter on Maugre's inner city porch, the hitch hiker puts up a good fight as Maugre and friend Jim Puntigam prepare to abandon him.

The last view of  Maugre's doppleganger was on the hard pavement of Detroit's Michigan Avenue with the famous ruin of the Michigan Central Railroad Building crumbling in the distance.

"My Old Hitch Hiking Ways"  
by Maurice Greenia, Jr.
A memoir.

Pallas home page
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Hitchhiker Index