The Artafundi is controlled by a program in C++ that produces a hypertext
dialogue. The visitor's side in this dialogue is in the form of button
pushing, money insertion and (spoken) sound. (The visitors sounds can be
detected but not recognized as speech or understood by the program.) On
the machine's side of the dialogue are human voices, primarily those of
the Goddess of Arta Fundi (430 mp3 or RealAudio
43k ), an enthusiastic docent who suffers no fools and Thalia,
the mischievous child Muse of Comedy. These two personalities guide
the visitor through a network of options and other characters such as Mr.
Blabbermouth (270k mp3 or RealAudio 50k),
Duchamp (He's a riot!) and Chief Zalewski (mp3
700k) (or RealAudio-68k), Sub-station
bureaucrat trying to maintain standards at the Aesthetic Verifying Sub-station
in the Philosophy Generator of the Arta Fundi Charitable and Cultural
Fund Raising Machine.
The dialogue is full of asides, quotes, poems, and sound effects as
it coaxes, wheedles, challenges, reasons, denigrates, seduces, and whines
attempting to increase the visitor's interaction and monetary contributions.
When the visitor eventually refuses to donate any more money, they receive
a receipt totaling the amount of their donation.
This dialogue script is easily modified so that references to the sponsoring
organization, it's staff and/or interests could be included.
Instructions for interacting with the Arta
Back to the Arta Fundi Homepage
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