            Are Quacks by Rose Stasuk
"Artists Are Quacks" (1998) by Rose Stasuk.


Nick Holland has lived up to his slogan of "Miracles Performed" as he has designed the heart of Arta Fundi in C++ as the project grew from one computer to a network of three. His creative engineering skills have are responsible for a very reliable, robust system that's easy to operate: Turn it on- it runs. Turn it off to stop.  No crashes.
Larry Pike wrote and taped two poems especially for the project. Here's one.
Jim Gustafson contributed a poem, (No Money in Art).
Blues musician and radio personality Robert Jones recited it and Jerome Ferretti illustrated it (available as a print).
Ken Mikolowski recited seven poems from "Big Enigmas".
David Barr wrote and taped several Zen stories.
Janet Pallas, Karla Zalewski, Robert Maniscalco, Laurie Logan, Miriam Yezbick, and Alex Hughes have recorded hypertext dialogue.
Stephen Goodfellow has contributed the image below, "CashFlow ", designed to exploit the 3 hue system the ink jet printer employs.
 Diane Spodarek wrote a four minute monolog.
Frank Pahl has made a musical sculpture, the " Twittering Machine". and to be operated by Arta Fundi program and given permission to use two compositions he created from David Greenberger's book, "Duplex Planet".
"Mona Lisa's Not So Well" is a song written especially for Arta Fundi by Kurt Loren , a west coast song writer originally from Ann Arbor.

Herbert Ferrer  has taped the Mona Leo video/phone gossip voice. The opening lines are here .
Daniel Cascardo has created four black and white images, one of which is here.
Lowell Boileau has created "Blizzard", a black and white print special for the project.
Bob Casky is casting an edition of stainless steel coins to be dispensed one at a time by the Arta Fundi cabinet.
Pedro Meyer and Pablo Cabado have contributed a story with photo about a photographer and a poet.
M.L. Liebler contributed his Poem, "Success, I Spit!."

"Cash Flow" Ink jet print by Stephen Goodfellow.
For a list of these artworks by media.
For a list of these artworks in order of appearance with D.A.M. prices.

Copyrights to these images and all of the works linked above and linked off those pages belong to the artists who created them. All rights reserved. January 2000
Questions or comments jim(at)

Donor Prices for the Detroit Artists Market Exhibition.

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